Friday, July 14, 2006

I'm not ready for this!

So, I have finished two weeks of passive information absorption. My brain is absolute mush. I have just spent two weeks having information squeezed into my brain, only to have 90% of it spill out and collect in a squishy little puddle on the floor.

The scary things for me are:

1) the training was initially meant to be 5 weeks - now condensed to 2.

2) the masses of information that I have been given over the last two weeks is just a teeny tiny fraction of the knowledge that I really need to do my job properly.

My issues are: how can 5 weeks of training be effectively compacted into 2? And, I feel extremely under equipped to do my job! (and I know that the rest of my new team feel the same way).

So, the end result is that I am about to be thrust out into the public in the service of "the government of the day" feeling totally unprepared. I know that I am going to be guided and buddied through the teething process for a couple of months, but somehow I am still feeling less ready for this new experience than for anything else I have ever started before in my life.

Oh, except for the very first time I walked into kindergarten.



Mikey_Capital said...

Welcome to the public service man.

My training consisted of being shown a shredder. That's where I spent my first three weeks.

I got used to being covered in little shreds of paper ... :)

The Dark PS said...

We don't even have shredders, just the big blue Secure Document Disposal bins. No shredding for me (except for the possible metaphysical shredding from an angry customer)


Mikey_Capital said...

Ooo have you done a counter already? That's totally deep end!

The Dark PS said...

Nope, no dealings with the public yet. But it will happen eventually, and the department I work for has a love hate relationship with it's customers.