Thursday, July 06, 2006

In The Beginning

Well...So it begins. My foray into the dark and troubled world of the Public Service.
Does it matter? Probably not.
Am I important enough to matter? Definitely not.
Will anybody care? Who knows.

I have only been here for less than 1 week, and already my role in the government machine has caused some heated debate between my better half and myself.

Yes, I think the government sucks. Yes, I know my training is probably an attempt to brainwash me to toe the government line. Yes, I am promoting a change in my belief structure, but I need to be able to feel confident in my job to carry it out in an effective manner, do my job properly, which is what I am being paid to do.

Am I saying good bye to my personal beliefs, simply for a steady salary? Which is more important, holding true to my beliefs, or earning a decent enough income to pay the bills? Are the two mutually exclusive? Will I be able to uphold policy decisions that I may totally disagree with?

This prospect makes me feel very "dark", and these are the questions that will be explored in this blog, and other tangents that I feel necessary to explore at the time.

Lets tarry on into the wonderful world of the Dark Public Servant.

1 comment:

Mikey_Capital said...

Nah, you can be a public servant and hold your own views. Sure you have to be careful about how you express it but it is possible.

Your work your morality does not make.

Fight the power comrade

(upraised fist salute)